For most of us, going on a first date can be a nerve- wrecking experience. We are not sure about what to wear, what to say, how to behave. These insecurities can turn even the most serene and composed person into a nervous, sweaty palmed wreck. Our module on dating is specifically designed to teach you the finer nuances of dating.A first date doesn't need to be such an ordeal, it can be light hearted and fun.
1] Dressing appropriately for a first date.
2] Etiquette and behaviour.
3] Ideal meeting place.
4] Be more confident and create a positive first impression.
5] Be a great conversationalist.
When you marry, you don't just marry an individual,you marry a whole family For prospective brides and grooms ,we have a training module called "getting marriage ready" which covers the following topics:-
1] Interacting with family.
2] Adjusting to a new environment.
3] Conversational skills.
4] Social etiquette.
5] Etiquette at dinners and formal occasions.
6] Wardrobe Planning