Friday 31 July 2020

Etiquette at webinars and online meetings

Online meetings ,webinars ,even virtual family gatherings and weddings are now the new normal.
I've even attended virtual funeral prayer meetings. Most of us have adapted to this new way of living and working. It is actually great that we don't have to travel for two hours for a twenty minute meeting and we can be relaxed and comfortable in our homes even whilst we are working. 
But some people have taken comfort too seriously. Although we are not meeting people physically we are allowing them to enter into our homes virtually and we are definitely creating an impression on them. Our appearance, our behaviour shows our respect towards other people and towards ourselves.
In the last four months, I've come across many instances where there was total disregard for respectful mannerisms and appropriate behaviour on virtual platforms.

I'm sharing some tips on etiquette at business meetings ,webinars and even social meetings which I have penned down after some of my personal experiences.

  • Do dress appropriately 
  • Look well groomed,fresh,alert and interested
  • Sit in a well lit room with the light in front of you
  • Do keep your video on because people don't enjoy talking to blank or inanimate screens.
  • Do put off your audio when you're not speaking so that your background sounds are muted too
  • Avoid eating, but in case you've had no time to eat ,do switch off your video after informing the host on chat ,excusing yourself and come back quickly after you've finished eating.
  • Do not sit/half sleep on your bed with pillows propped around you.
  • See that your background is neat, and there are no distractions behind you.
  • Sit at a distance from the screen so that your upper body upto your waist is visible and your hand gestures are visible too
  • Do not move around and talk. 

It's nice to be comfortable but it's nicer to make others feel comfortable

Do watch my video on YouTube where I've shared some real life scenarios experienced at online meetings.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect etiquette manners which one n all need to follow
